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3 Years On, Upgraded Sub-Centre Yet To Be Made Functional As NTPHC
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3 Years On, Upgraded Sub-Centre Yet To Be Made Functional As NTPHC

Locals claim that the sub-centre was inaugurated as NTPHC by senior health officials but due to unknown reasons it continues to function as a sub-centre.

SRINAGAR — Despite the authorities approving for upgradation of sub-centre Chakoora in Pulwama district alongside four other such centres as New Type Primary Health Centre (NTPHC) in 2017-18, the particular health facility continues to function as sub-centre even after three years.

As per the news agency, Kashmir News Observer, locals said that in 2017-2018, the government upgraded many sub-centers into PHC’s and NTPHC’s like SC Satoora, SC Aripal, SC Rathsuna, SC Shar’Shali and SC Chakoora.

“All of them excluding sub centre Chakoora have been upgraded and made fully functioning,” they said.

Locals claim that the sub-centre was inaugurated as NTPHC by senior health officials but due to unknown reasons it continues to function as a sub-centre.

They said that they have brought this issue in notice of higher ups several times but every time they were informed that it hasn’t been upgraded to NTPHC.

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“If sub-centre Chakoora wasn’t upgraded then why did the government spend about Rs 2.5 crore for construction of the new building,” locals said.

Locals said that Chakoora is a big village besides that there are adjacent villages who have either to visit PHC Litter or PHC Panzgam for treatment.

Meanwhile, a senior health officer said that this centre was never upgraded to NTPHC and if it would have been upgraded, “then there would have been the creation of a post first.”

“Big building has been constructed there but it is just a sub centre and as per population it is not feasible for NTPHC,” the officer said, adding that despite being a sub-centre a doctor is performing duties there besides that vaccination, immunization and sample collection is being done there.

“We have tried to help them the utmost and if they need further facilities there, they must knock on the doors of higher authorities,” the officer added.

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