No Memory As Birds
Shabir Ahmad Mir is a poet and writer based in…
No names, no claims-a wandering carefree as birds:
One day (some day!) we will be free as birds!
At dusk, to peck at what remains of their day
All prodigals return to some tree as birds.
From the meadows of reminiscences a drove
Of regret rises: as poetry! as birds!
Now that they have renamed that last street;
Lost-we must leave this country as birds
Desperate to make it to some place safe
Some voices flit, across history, as birds
How easy it would be to fall for your snares
Had we too but no memory as birds!
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Shabir Ahmad Mir is a poet and writer based in Kashmir. He is the author of the novel The Plague Upon Us, published by Hachette India.
Congratulations to both the poet and the magazine