The Orison by Alama Iqbal
Nageen Rather is an Assistant Professor of fiction at lUST…
Gushes to the lips, as an orison, a wish of mine
As does the candle, Allah, may so my life shine!
May l conduce to the world free of ignorance!
May every place gets lightened with my brilliance!
So much l subserve to my nation’s prosperity,
As much as a flower does to its bed’s beauty.
May my life be like that of the moth, O, God!
That l endear the candle of knowledge, O, Lord.
To speak for the poor should be my prime goal,
And to love the desolate and the weakly soul.
My Allah, from all evils, keep me at bay-
As is the righteous, set me on such a way.
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Translated from Urdu by Nageen Rather
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Nageen Rather is an Assistant Professor of fiction at lUST University, Awantipora, Kashmir. He is currently working on his debut novel.