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No Flights at Srinagar Airport After 5 PM on Fridays, Weekends in Feb, March
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No Flights at Srinagar Airport After 5 PM on Fridays, Weekends in Feb, March

The authorities are commencing the Polymer Modified Emulsion work on the entire runway during the months of February and March.

SRINAGAR — The authorities at Srinagar International Airport on Friday said that flights scheduled on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays during the month of February and March will not operate after 5 pm due to planned repair activities on the runway on these days.

According to a statement, the authorities are commencing the Polymer Modified Emulsion work on the entire runway during the months of February and March.

“This is necessary to strengthen the runway for the operation of flight and also to control the wear and tear. This work is planned on all Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. We will ensure that the flight disruption is reduced to minimum by working only from 5 PM to 6 AM during the night time,” the statement read. 

The runway will be available and the flights will be operated from 6 AM to 5 PM.

“The flights which were scheduled to operate during this closure time have been rescheduled to operate before 5 PM everyday. The information has already been given to all affected passengers by the respective airlines.”

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The statement also read that the passengers of the affected flights are requested to confirm the revised departure times if they have booked their flights during the month of February and March on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays after 5 PM.

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