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Taps, Vaccum Cleaner Stolen From Srinagar Masjid
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Taps, Vaccum Cleaner Stolen From Srinagar Masjid

“The incident came to light around 12 noon when the sound of running water alerted a local who had arrived in the Masjid to give a call for Zuhr prayer.”

SRINAGAR — Expensive taps were stolen from Jamia Ahilhadith Masjid in the Mehjoor Nagar area in Srinagar in broad daylight.

Last week, thieves also stole a vacuum cleaner from the same Masjid.

A Masjid Committee member said that the incident came to light around 12 noon when the sound of running water alerted a local who had arrived in the Masjid to give a call for Zuhr prayer. To his shock, all the taps in the bathrooms were missing with water flowing uninterruptedly.

“Over a dozen taps of superior quality have been stolen. It is probably the handiwork of drug addicts who are more nuisance than an asset to society,” said a local, Lateef Ahmed, adding that they have left now with no option except to lock down the Masjid after prayers.

There are no CCTV cameras installed in and outside the Masjid. “We haven’t approached to police and now we have decided to install CCTV cameras here,” he added. (KNT)

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