You are reading this because you value quality and serious journalism. You know that there is a noisy atmosphere in the media, and serious and unbiased journalism is in crisis.
At Mountain Ink, we have a newsroom filled with talented, dedicated and unflinching professional journalists- mostly young- who strive hard to bring the important, challenging, missed or deliberately ignored stories before the audience. We do not consider the road from a writer to its reader as a business but as a professional duty.
But to undertake such serious journalistic duty needs serious support and financial stability. We need readers like you to support us and pay for making quality and independent journalism more vibrant. We need you to support our unflinching, young journalists to stand against the biggest challenges such as corporate market control, censorship and daily threats.
If you like what we do, and think that we deserve your support, join us on this journey. Our persistence and future is defined by you.