Staff Members of Two Schools in Anantnag Suspended Over School’s Zero Pass Percentage in Class 10 Exams
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“The staff members including the headmaster of High School Wantrag have been placed under suspension in the first instance.”
SRINAGAR — Chief Education Officer Anantnag on Friday suspended staff members including the headmaster of High School Wantrag of Mattan zone after the school showed poor performance in class 10 examination, result of which was declared on Wednesday.
According to a report submitted to Deputy Commissioner Anantnag by CEO Anantnag similar action has been taken against staff members of High School Poru Kalnag for registering zero percent result in the class 10 examination.
The report reads that just after the declaration of the results of class 10th annual regular examination, the staff members of High School Wantrag, who were associated with the academics of secondary classes including the headmaster have been placed under suspension in the first instance.
It reads that the reasons for poor results of the school are being ascertained and the remedial measures shall be initiated in order to improve the academic performance of the school.
“Further, one more school of the district viz. High School Poru Kalnag has also recorded zero percent result in the said examination and similar action has been initiated against the staff of the school. Hence report is submitted for favour of information,” it reads. (KNS)
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